Intro to Black and White

This class meets over three evenings and is designed for the beginner who would like to learn black and white film photography and darkroom printing, or anyone who needs a big refresher.
These classes cover how to use a 35mm camera, and how to develop and print your own film. RC photo paper and 1 roll of film will be included. Minimum of 2 students, maximum of 4.

Tuesdays, March 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st
4:00 - 7:00 pm
Instructor: Daniel Abide
Class Fee: $160

Color Film Developing Workshop

Learn the basics of color film developing with this four hour workshop. This will cover the handling of film, chemistry and options for processing.
You can bring a roll of film to develop in the process!

Wednesday, March 11th
Instructor: Daniel Abide
Workshop Fee: $60

Intro to Cyanotype

Learn Cyanotypes, a fun and easy photographic alternative process. Make camera-less images using transparencies and objects and also create an image out of an original digital negative you create! This one session class allows you enough time to easily learn these craft based photographic skills which you can then take home with you, as alternative processes don't require access to a darkroom. You will also leave the workshop with several original works of art of your own! Minimum of 2 students.

Thursday, March 12th
Instructor: Michelle Cade
Class Fee: $60

Black and White film developing workshop

Learn the basics of black and white film developing with this three hour workshop. This will cover the handling of film, chemistry and options for processing.
You can bring a roll of film to develop in the process!
Email for more information.

Thursday, March 19th
Instructor: Daniel Abide
Workshop Fee: $60